What is Lumen Depreciation?

We all know that most things that we use in our homes and offices depreciate in value over time, like our cars or printers – but what is lumen deficiency? And what does that mean for LED lightbulbs? Here are some insights from LED light installation specialists accredited under the Victorian Energy Upgrade Program

LED Lightbulbs

LED lightbulbs have a much longer lifespan than halogen or compact fluorescents, easily lasting 50,000 hours or more. But no lightbulb lasts forever. In traditional bulbs, you’ll simply flick a switch one day and nothing will happen – but it’s a bit different when you’re working with LEDs. Rather than failing outright and leaving you in the dark, they simply get increasingly dim over time. 

Lumens is the measurement of brightness – so, the brighter your lightbulb, the more lumens it is emitting. Over time, your LED lightbulbs emit fewer and fewer lumens – less than the amount it is rated for on the box you purchased them in. The process whereby they get dimmer is known as lumen depreciation. 

At What Point Should I Replace LED Lightbulbs? 

This really depends on each person’s preferences and lighting needs, which will be covered in your free LED light installation through the Victorian Energy Upgrade Program. Generally speaking, the right time to think about replacing your LEDs is when they are producing 70% of their initial output. This can be thousands of hours after the manufacturer’s stated lifespan for the bulb.

You can usually find the predicted lumen depreciation for your LEDs on the manufacturer’s website as the stated lifespan for the bulb. Remember, this number (usually around 50,000 hours) refers to how many hours the lightbulb has been on, not how many hours since it was installed in your home. Of course, you can also just rely on your senses – if you start feeling that a room is getting a bit dim, that’s the right time to start replacing your bulbs. 

Get a LED Light Installation with Rebates Through the Victorian Energy Upgrade Program 

At In2Energy, our team of LED light installation specialists are fully accredited under the Victorian Energy Upgrade Program to deliver free upgrades for your home. We’ll help you reduce energy consumption and save money through state-of-the-art LED lightbulbs. Contact us today for more information about installing sustainable lighting in your home in Victoria. 


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