5 New Year’s Resolutions That Will Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

 Thinking about what New Year’s Resolutions you should set this year? Along with your goals to get fitter, eat healthier and have more fun, you can also help the planet! Here are some New Year’s Resolutions that will help you reduce your carbon footprint and reduce energy consumption, from LED light installation specialists. 

1 – Try a Plant-Based Diet 

Going vegan being the single biggest measure you can take to reduce your carbon footprint, reducing it by a massive 73%. This translates to a reduction of 1,560kg CO2e – the same amount of carbon that’s produces by driving a car halfway around the Earth! Of course, it also takes willpower, financial resources and access to vegan foods in order to make it happen. Start by reducing your meat protein intake or going vegetarian – even eating less meat will make a big difference. 

2 – Go Car-Less 

Rather than using a car, use a bicycle or even your feet to get you to work or run your errands each day. You’ll not only reduce your carbon footprint; you’ll boost your health and hit your healthy weight goals at the same time – and you won’t even have to pay for gym! Even switching from your car to using public transport helps reduce your carbon footprint significantly. 

3 – Reduce Your Waste 

Our modern lives have a lot of great aspects, but they do tend to produce more waste than ever, which contributes to environmental problems, pollution and climate change. Start by reducing food waste, by introducing recycling and composting, and by thinking twice before you buy. Keep track of your expenses while you reduce your waste by budgeting out and planning your food purchases and you’ll be amazed at how much you save! 

4 – Plant a Garden 

If you are fortunate enough to have a garden (or even a balcony), it’s time to get planting! Plants and trees absorb carbon from the atmosphere and expel oxygen, helping to offset your carbon footprint – but that’s just one of the ways a garden is useful. Planting fruits and vegetables is an affordable way to supplement your groceries and keep your fresh produce local, and native plants and trees support local bees, pollinators, birds and wildlife while requiring the least amount of water and fertiliser. 

5 – Upgrade with a LED Light Installation 

This is one of the easiest ways to reduce energy consumption in your home and therefore reduce your carbon footprint. LEDs use a fraction of the energy of regular lightbulbs, and have a much longer lifespan too. Another benefit is that they contain no toxic gasses, so they’re fully recyclable when they do eventually need replacing. 

This New Year, Start With an LED Light Installation 

If you live in Victoria, you can access rebates to make your LED light installation even more affordable, helping you save money even as you reduce energy consumption in your home. Reach your New Year’s Resolution with the help of In2Energy, accredited LED light installation specialists under the Victorian energy saving program. 


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