5 Tips for Energy Efficient Lighting in Your Home

Want to reduce energy consumption in your home? One of the easiest and most effective ways of doing this is by taking a look at your home’s lighting and how you use it. Here are some simple tips for energy efficient lighting in your home, from our LED upgrade specialists. 

Energy Efficient Lights

1. Use Your Lighting Less 

This is the easiest tip that anyone can use! By simply ensuring that lights that aren’t being used are turned off, you’ll have immediate energy savings without spending a cent – all you do is save. When you are out at work or even out of a room, make sure all the lights are turned off as you leave. It simply isn’t true that you use more energy turning a light on and off. 

2. Maximise Your Natural Light 

Light, bright homes don’t need to use energy in the daytime for lighting, and a few simple changes can greatly reduce your lighting bill. All you have to do is draw back curtains during the day and reconsider privacy drapes that block out the sunshine. For slightly more expensive projects, you can add windows and skylights to your home or cut back trees that block out the light. You’ll pay these expenses off quickly in energy savings! 

3. Lower Your Wattage 

Try to use the lowest wattage lightbulbs in your fixtures you can without affecting lighting quality. Often, lights in fixtures are actually far too bright or high wattage for comfort. Keep these bright bulbs for task lighting in kitchens, bathrooms and reading lamps, and lower the wattage in ambient light fixtures. You can also add dimmers so you can adjust your energy use for different tasks and comfort levels, creating custom energy efficient lighting while you reduce energy consumption. 

4. Use Motion Sensors and Smart Tech 

Customising your lighting often means that you reduce energy consumption while actually getting better lighting comfort! Smart home systems can control your lighting to your exact preferences and are great for security. For example, instead of leaving lights on all day so that you feel safe returning to your home late from work, you can simply activate the lights from an app on your smartphone or even set them to come on at a certain time of day. This is also a great security function for when you go on holiday. 

5. Get an LED Upgrade 

An LED upgrade has some costs involved initially, but these are quickly paid off by the exceptional way that they reduce energy consumption. These bulbs use a tenth or less energy to provide the same or better-quality lighting. They are the most energy efficient lighting option on the market, and are the tech of choice for homes and businesses that want to reduce energy consumption and costs. 

The great news is that if you live in Victoria, you actually qualify for a FREE LED upgrade – which means this initial cost of investment is minimal and your savings are maximised from the start! 

6. Ask Our Team About Your Free LED Upgrade 

At In2Energy, our team of LED light installation specialists are fully accredited under the Victorian energy upgrades program to deliver free LED upgrades for your home. We’ll help you reduce energy consumption and save money through state-of-the-art, free LED upgrades to energy efficient lighting. Contact us today for more information or to schedule your LED upgrade.


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