
Showing posts from July, 2020

5 Tips for Energy Efficient Lighting in Your Home

Want to reduce energy consumption in your home? One of the easiest and most effective ways of doing this is by taking a look at your home’s lighting and how you use it. Here are some simple tips for energy efficient lighting in your home, from our LED upgrade specialists.  1. Use Your Lighting Less   This is the easiest tip that anyone can use! By simply ensuring that lights that aren’t being used are turned off, you’ll have immediate energy savings without spending a cent – all you do is save. When you are out at work or even out of a room, make sure all the lights are turned off as you leave. It simply isn’t true that you use more energy turning a light on and off.  2. Maximise Your Natural Light   Light, bright homes don’t need to use energy in the daytime for lighting, and a few simple changes can greatly reduce your lighting bill. All you have to do is draw back curtains during the day and reconsider privacy drapes that block out the sunshine. For slightly

How Do LED Lightbulbs Work?

The technology behind LED lightbulbs is different to any other lightbulb, and was so revolutionary that the scientists behind this invention won the Nobel prize for physics in 2014. Here’s some insight into the science and technology behind these bulbs from our lighting specialists, who are accredited under the Victorian energy upgrades program to install free LED upgrades .  LED Technology  LED (Light Emitting Diode) lightbulbs are what is commonly called solid-state lighting technology (SSL). This means that they work on a piece of solid matter called a semi-conductor. Unlike incandescent bulbs, which require a filament or fluorescent lightbulbs that need a gas, illumination in LED lightbulbs is the result of electrons moving in the semi-conductor material. As a result, they use very little electricity, don’t get hot and last as long as a standard transistor, as there is no filament to burn out.  Unlike incandescent or fluorescent lighting, LEDs do not radiate light