Eco-Friendly Lighting for Your Home

Making your home more eco-friendly helps you reduce energy consumption and save money on your monthly bills while you support the planet. A good place to start is with your home’s lighting by introducing eco-friendly lights. Here’s some great advice from accredited providers offering free upgrades to LED lightbulbs in the Melbourne area.

LED Lightbulbs

Increase Natural Light 

The most eco-friendly light source we can use to light our homes is the sun! By getting the most out of natural light, you minimize the need for artificial lighting and help reduce your energy consumption.  

There are several ways you can help increase natural light in your home. You can paint rooms in lighter colors and use an eggshell rather than matte paint to reflect light, you can install skylights, solar tubes or additional windows, and you can cut back large trees and shrubs in your garden that black out the sun. 

Invest in Smart Home Technology 

Smart home technology can be incredibly useful in helping you reduce energy consumption in the home while still keeping everyone happy, comfortable and secure. In terms of lighting, smart switches and home automated lighting systems allow you to control every feature of your home’s lighting remotely through an app.  

You can turn lights on and off, set up custom configurations, and program your lights to turn on or off as you require through the day. For example, if you work late into the night and don’t like coming home to a dark house, you can program your lights to turn on just before you arrive home rather than having to leave lights on through the day. 

These smart lighting systems can work in conjunction with other smart home systems like security, heating and cooling to help reduce energy consumption significantly. 

Upgrading to LED Lightbulbs 

LED lightbulbs are the most eco-friendly lights we can use and are suited to businesses and industrial facilities as well as homes. Their green credentials are pretty impressive, as they don’t contain toxic mercury vapour (making them safe and recyclable), they use 90% less energy than traditional lightbulbs, and last around 100,000 hours, which is about 50 times longer than an incandescent bulb and 25 times longer than a halogen bulb.  

While LED lightbulbs cost more than other lightbulbs, you can actually get a free upgrade through the Victorian Energy Upgrades program by using an accredited provider like In2Energy. 

Schedule Your Free LED Lightbulb Upgrade and Enjoy Eco-Friendly Lights in Your Home 

If you are interested in getting a free upgrade to eco-friendly lights for your home, speak to the team at In2Energy today. Our licenced and accredited electricians will help you reduce energy consumption in your home through fast, professional and reliable services.


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