How to Find Accredited Providers for an LED Lighting Installation

One of the most popular and most effective ways of reducing energy consumption is through the installation of sustainable lighting in your home or business. LED lightbulbs are an effective and easy way to achieve this affordably, but in order to take advantage of the Victorian Energy Upgrades Program, you need to partner with an accredited provider for your LED upgrade. Here’s what you need to know. 

What is the Victorian Energy Upgrades Program (VEU)? 

This is a regional governmental program aimed to help residents and businesses in the State of Victoria to reduce their energy expenses and greenhouse gas emissions by making it easier and more affordable to upgrade to energy efficient products like LED lightbulbs.  

The other side of this program is aimed at stimulating the renewable energy industry, helping to create jobs and competition in this market to ensure that consumers can buy world-class, local sustainable lighting and energy solutions. As part of this, large energy retailers have to meet renewables targets including acquiring and surrendering Victorian Energy Certificates (VEECs) to meet annual targets set out in the legislation. Each VEEC represents one tonne of greenhouse gas that has been effectively offset, and a home or business can sell these certificates as they are earned. 

Providers of sustainable lighting and energy solutions have to be accredited by the state in order to create VEECs, so it’s essential that the provider you use for your free LED upgrade is accredited with this program. 

Sustainable Lighting Under the VEU 

By using an accredited provider, you can get an LED upgrade for the replacement of incandescent bulbs, halogen bulbs and compact fluorescent bulbs – all for free. Products will be replaced on a like-for-like basis, so you will receive the equivalent LED lightbulbs for the bulbs that are replaced. The program is completely voluntary and you will require the details of the accredited service provider and a copy of the assignment form for your upgrade to LED lightbulbs. 

The benefits of this free upgrade to LED lightbulbs are significant, allowing home and business owners to save up to 80% on lighting costs alone. In addition, LED lightbulbs last significantly longer than traditional bulbs (average of 36,000 operational hours) and don’t output much heat, reducing fire risks. Products include candle LEDs, indoor reflectors and outdoor reflectors, meeting all your home’s sustainable lighting needs. 

Finding an Accredited Provider for Your FREE LED Upgrade 

Accredited providers are listed on the Essential Services Commission’s website under the Victorian Energy Upgrades program page. 

A leading accredited provider and specialist in LED upgrades is IN2 Energy, Pty, Ltd. All installation undertaken by our team are completed by registered electrical contractors (REC) and you will be provided with a Certificate of Electrical Safety after completion. 


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